2 Install is not yet complete.\n\nIf you exit now, this software will not be correctly installed for use.\n\nExit Install?
3 There are no files in the Copy List to install!
4 Cannot open the .INF file '%s'
5 Cannot read the .INF file '%s'
6 The .INF file '%s' is missing a Source Media Description for diskette number %d.
7 File Description error in .INF file '%s': You cannot specify both Copy and Remove (%s).
8 File Description error in .INF file '%s': You cannot specify Append if you have also specified Rename, Root, or Backup (%s).
9 File Description error in .INF file '%s': You cannot specify Rename if you have also specified Root or Append (%s).
10 The .INF file '%s' does not start with a section label. Check to see if it is corrupted - Line #%d.
11 The .INF file '%s' contains a [Source Media Description] line that does not have enough fields - Line #%d.
12 The [Source Media Description] fields in the .INF file '%s' must be quoted - Line #%d.
13 The .INF file '%s' contains a bad disk ID value in a [Source Media Description] line - Line #%d.
14 The [Default File Settings] section of the .INF file '%s' contains a badly formed value - Line #%d.
15 The [Default File Settings] section of the .INF file '%s' contains an unknown Overwrite value - Line #%d.
16 The [Default File Settings] section of the .INF file '%s' contains an unrecognized option - Line #%d.
17 Bad Disk ID value in .INF file description line of '%s' - Line #%d.
18 The INF file '%s' contains a badly formed line - too few fields (commas) - Line #%d.
19 The INF file '%s' contains a badly formed line that starts with a quoted string at the left margin which is NOT followed by an equal sign - Line #%d.
20 .INF Section is invalid: %s
21 The .INF file '%s' contains a duplicate section name - Line #%d.
83 There is not enough memory to install. Please close all open applications before continuing.\n\nAre you ready to continue?
129 Fatal error in Install. Install may be corrupted.
131 Could not create directory '%s'. There may be a file on this drive with the same name as one of the directories you specified.
132 Destination directory is read-only.
133 Script or .DLL has been corrupted. Unable to load dialog template '%s'.
134 Unable to initialize the decompression engine.
136 Cannot change properties of the file named: '%s'.
137 Unable to backup '%s'.
138 File Copy operation failed - incorrect number of bytes written to disk - source file or destination disk may be corrupted - use ChkDsk. Dest: '%s' Source: '%s'.
139 Could not remove file named '%s'.
140 Could not open '%s'.
141 Could not read from '%s'.
142 Could not write to '%s'.
143 A general error occurred while trying to decompress files from '%s'.
144 The compressed archive '%s' is corrupted.
145 The archive '%s' was compressed using an unknown technique.
146 The archive '%s' cannot transfer file(s):\n\n%s
147 Could not process the system file '%s'. The Restart directory is not set.